Leak Detection
Water Based Products
Focus areas for monitoring leaks from water are: data centres, technical rooms, energy centers, large buildings, and critical installations in general.
Leak Detection
Oil Based Products
The technology detects leaks from all oil-based products (petroleum). This includes; petrol, diesel (emergency generators), JET A1, lubricants etc.
Leak Detection
Pipe Distribution
A Logstor/AVA SafePipe System incorporates advanced leak detection, pinpointing leaks accurately along its entire length.
AVA Systems Nordic supplies world-leading technology that monitors, detects and locates leaks with an accuracy of +/- one metre. The sensor technology can detect leaks from water and water-based products, oil and oil-based products (petroleum) such as fuel and lubricants and a number of chemicals. Our main focus is on simplicity and reliability of our solutions, without limiting flexibility and modularity. We offer solutions that are designed to work in both industrial and commercial environments.

In our installations we take advantage of the TraceTek technology, originally developed by the American company Raychem at the beginning of the 80s, today owned and manufactured by nVent in the USA. AVA Systems Nordic is nVent’s partner for TraceTek products in the Nordic countries.
In the unique Logstor/AVA SafePipe System, double-wall pipe technology and production technology are combined with advanced integrated leak detection where electronics and chemistry work hand in hand to carry out the task of accurately detecting a potential leak from the liquid product that is transported inside the media pipe in the middle of construction. SafePipe achieves with its unique combination of technologies to prevent a potential leak from migrating to the environment by allowing an outer jacket to act as a continuous environmental membrane for the pipe along its entire length.
Slalåmveien 1
1410 Kolbotn, Norway
+47 479 14 862