Processing plants
Handling and storage of oil based products (petroleum, diesel, jetfuel, etc.) means handling risk and avoid incidents that might pollute the environment. Statistics gives a clear message. Incidents will happen, and it is a question of time only. AVA Systems has sensors for fast reaction time when needed. Also, we have a specially developed sensor cables for both installation above and below ground alongside the outside of the pipe in its entire length to the pipe to be supervised.
Solutions for leak detection processing plants
Logstor/AVA SafePipe System
A Logstor/AVA SafePipe System is a smart pipe with integrated leak detection and location of leaks along the intire length of the pipe.
Processing Plants
Handling and storage of oil based products (petroleum, diesel, jetfuel, etc.) means handling risk and avoid incidents that might pollute the environment. Statistics gives a clear message. Incidents will happen, and it is a question of time only. AVA Systems has sensors for fast reaction time when needed. Also, we have a specially developed sensor cables for both installation above and below ground alongside the outside of the pipe in its entire length to the pipe to be supervised.